Hi bitfolkers,

I was emailed today by a phish bot (copy withheld by yahoo spamguard) which seeks bank information.  The scam appears to redirect victims to a location in Stanford (see www.81solutions.com/server-location.html) whose host is located in Austria: resolved by scotiaonline.scotiabank.compan.for-some.biz 

I suspect this is a VPS, in an organisation similar to bitfolk, with a virus.

Which leads me to ask some questions of this list:

1) Do I have a duty in law to maintain a phishbot-virus-free VPS?

2) Can a mandamus order shut down an innocent VPS owner whose server hosts a phishbot virus?

3) Has a bitfolk VPS owner ever been targetted by phishbots?  If so, what were the symptoms and what were the ramifications?
