Can they be updated semi automagically at the same time backups/nagios change over, I.e. when they start being used...

If it makes maintenance easier, you can remove the jane.vps.

(sorry about the full quoted reply, this client doesn't do selective quoting :( )

Deanna Earley

----- Reply message -----
From: "Andy Smith" <>
Date: Wed, Nov 9, 2011 15:32
Subject: [bitfolk] Small issue related to renumbering
To: <>

On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 03:17:54PM +0000, Paul Stimpson wrote:
> Do you think you may automate the process of the DNS switch?

Just to be sure we're talking about the same thing, I take this to
mean the addresses that <account> points to..

> If so would  you rather we waited until that is in place to save
> you the support tickets or did it now to get it out the way?

As I say I have to admit I didn't consider these host names before
we started, but now that the renumbering is underway it seems to me
that changing what they point to en masse at any particular time is
going to cause some problems for some people who are making use of
them. The mapping would change before some people are ready.

Meanwhile it seems likely that if the <account>
hosts continue to point at the old IP addresses until we are asked
to change them, then this will cause least disruption. The mapping
won't change but would still be pointing at an IP address that most
likely works.

So, at the moment it seems like the best thing to do is wait for
support tickets asking for this mapping to be changed.


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