I get an empty response from that command, but I do see NXDOMAIN if I drop the +noall option.  Also:

$ host anythingatall.bl.spamcop.net
Host anythingatall.bl.spamcop.net not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
$ dig +noall +answer -t a bl.spamcop.net
bl.spamcop.net. 3236 IN A

Also https://www.spamcop.net/ looks fine (including the web-based lookup), so it looks to me like any previous domain registrar issue is now resolved.

On Sun, 31 Jan 2021 at 16:04, Andy Smith <andy@bitfolk.com> wrote:
Hi Adam,

On Sun, Jan 31, 2021 at 03:58:40PM +0000, Adam Spiers wrote:
> Looks like it's back up now?

If you get this answer then no:

$ dig +noall +answer -t a anythingatall.bl.spamcop.net
anythingatall.bl.spamcop.net. 1792 IN   A

(that the wildcard DNS put in by the registrar)

If you get NXDOMAIN then maybe.


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