I've had a response from Ian (thanks for that BTW - if you want me to repost it to the list, just say so), and I wouldn't argue with anything he's said. 

TL;DR version of a very full email from Ian - they both try to do too many things too quickly without regard to the dangers/consequences of doing them without knowing what they and you (as the admin) are doing, but as long as you (as the admin) are aware of these dangers, plan ahead with a full exit strategy (BWPS can be a bitch to remove), and remember to take full backups of your install and database before installing any security plugins, I *personally* don't see a reason not to use one or the other (I prefer WF to BWPS, it's less "in your face" with it's security features, but as I mentioned, I look after both).

Kind regards

Murray Crane

On 8 June 2013 12:02, Adam Spiers <bitfolk@adamspiers.org> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 at 01:38:32PM +0100, Murray Crane wrote:
> Given I run a couple of WP sites (one personal, and I'm in charge of the
> one at work), and I'm happily using WF on one and BWPS on the other, care
> to elaborate on what's so bad about BWPS and WordFence? Happy to listen
> off-list... :-)

I'd also be very interested to know about any weaknesses in either of
these - please share!  Both of these pages seem useful:



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