On Tue, 5 Nov 2019 at 11:52, Andy Smith <andy@bitfolk.com> wrote:
Which static site generator do you like? Which have you tried?

I've used a lot of Jekyll (and not much else!)

I ported lug.org.uk from Drupal to Jekyll. It's hosted on a Bitfolk VPS, but the code that creates it is here:

I also ported oggcamp.org to the same host:

I have a simple cron job that fires on lug.org.uk to poll the git repo. That's here:

For sites which are not hosted at lug.org.uk, I've been a part of the team who host technw.uk, who use github pages to host their site:

And, a while ago, I was part of the team who updated vagrantbox.es, although this has seen very little love since Hashicorp started running their own index:

All the best,
Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs
@jontheniceguy everywhere...