Hi all,

thanks to all who responded (online and off) to my mx without bind9 question earlier this weekend. :) 

I decided as a result that it would be easier to set up a bind9 service than otherwise.

I now have installed bind9 on my VPS machine, and as I know very little about network administration, am posting my setup for all to critique in the hopes of settling on a useful secure bind9 installation for myself and future VPS users.

I followed this article for its explanation and chroot instructions: <http://linux.justinhartman.com/DNS_Installation_and_Setup_using_BIND9>
and this bitfolk email trail:
to generate the appended config script.

The string 'example.com' needs to be replaced with the domain name, and the string 'xyz' needs to be replaced by the last number of the dotted.decimal.IP.address in order to create an operable bind9 setup.  The file is located in '/etc/bind/zones/master/example.com.db'.


; BIND data file for example.com
$TTL    604800
@       SOA     ns1.example.com. hostmaster.example.com. (
                            2010100201         ; Serial - YYYYMMDDXX
                                  7200         ; Refresh - 2hrs
                                   600         ; Retry - 10mins
                               1209600         ; Expire - 2wks
                                  3600)        ; minimum - 1hr
; Useful doc for above SOA values:
; http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-203.html

        NS      ns.example.com.
        NS      a.authns.bitfolk.com.
        NS      b.authns.bitfolk.com.
        NS      c.authns.bitfolk.com.

        MX      5 mail.example.com.

        A       212.13.195.xyz

ns      A       212.13.195.xyz
www     CNAME   example.com.
mail    A       212.13.195.xyz