Thanks Adam, for this nice summary of rootkit security measures!
% apt-get install chkroootkit
% apt-get install rkhunter       # installs 'unhide' as a byproduct
% apt-get install debsums
For the record, and because man pages rarely have examples...
% chkrootkit
% rkhunter -c
% more /var/log/rkhunter.log
% unhide proc
% unhide sys
% unhide brute
% debsums -a | grep mismatch
I ran 'unhide sys' five times with odd results: reports of two, one, two, zero and one  'HIDDEN PROCESSES found', which leads me to wonder whether 'unhide' reports mismatches but does not account well for the unix scheduler and the finite nature of time division.  (A process might be declared by unhide as 'hidden' when, in between of two lines of 'unhide' code, the scheduler terminates a process.)  The 'unhide' man page is written at too high a level for this reader.  What does one do next in this case??

From: Adam Spiers <>
To: Andy Smith <>
Sent: Thu, December 16, 2010 10:16:10 AM
Subject: Re: [bitfolk] Exim remote root exploit

Hi all,

Maybe stating the obvious but despite many years of Linux experience I
got bitten :-(

I upgraded exim to the patched version immediately after reading
Dominic's warning a few days ago, but I think I forgot to restart it
in order for the patch to take effect, and this morning I woke up to
an email warning me that exim's paniclog contained:

  2010-12-16 02:30:31 string too large in smtp_notquit_exit()
  2010-12-16 04:37:17 string too large in smtp_notquit_exit()
  2010-12-16 07:39:30 string too large in smtp_notquit_exit()

which sounds very much like the exploit.  ARGH.

I installed chkrootkit, rkhunter, and unhide.  rkhunter found nothing
of apparent substance, but chkrootkit said:

  Checking `lkm'...              You have    1 process hidden for ps command
  chkproc: Warning: Possible LKM Trojan installed

and 'unhide proc' output:

  Unhide 20080519

  [*]Searching for Hidden processes through /proc scanning

  Found HIDDEN PID: 28213
  Command: -bash

This bash process which doesn't go away with a reboot.  So I'm
guessing that these days the kids are using trojan kernel modules,
which is no surprise as they are far more effective than the
old-fashioned ones.

This is my first experience with exim and I have to say I'm pretty
disgusted with it.  This would never have happened with postfix which
would have been my first choice has proper privilege separation - I
can't believe in this day and age we're still using MTAs which run
monolithically as root.

I was hoping to compare the contents of /boot with the backups, but I
see these are not backed up.  I installed debsums and it revealed the
following, although I'm not yet sure if this indicates a LKM rootkit or

debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-1-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-1-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-1-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-1-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-1-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-1-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-1-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-1-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-1-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-2-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-2-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-2-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-2-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-2-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-2-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-2-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch linux-modules-2.6.26-2-xen-686 file
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /bin/ps
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /bin/kill
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/top
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/tload
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/pmap
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/pwdx
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/watch
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/vmstat
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/skill
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/uptime
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/pgrep
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/free
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /usr/bin/slabtop
debsums: checksum mismatch procps file /sbin/sysctl

For now I have shut down networking and am only using the Xen console.


On 13 December 2010 17:37, Andy Smith <> wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> $ zcat /usr/share/doc/exim4/changelog.Debian.gz | head -7
> exim4 (4.69-9+lenny1) stable-security; urgency=high
>  * Non-maintainer upload by the Security Team.
>  * Fix SMTP file descriptors being leaked to processes invoked with ${run...}
>  * Fix memory corruption issue in string_format(). CVE-2010-4344
>  * Fix potential memory pool corruption issue in internal_lsearch_find().
> Cheers,
> Andy
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 05:33:21PM +0000, Adam Spiers wrote:
>> After I upgraded, I looked for details under /usr/share/doc/exim4/
>> but it looked like none of the various changelog files had been updated
>> to explain the exact changes in 4.69-9+lenny1 - or am I missing
>> something?
>> Maybe apt-listchanges would have been more helpful, but I had
>> already upgraded before I thought of installing it.
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